Dissecting Needles & Holders 해부용 니들 & 홀더


(총 30개 상품)
  • 버튼
  • (1) Aluminum Holder, with Plastic handle, L230mm

    (1) Aluminum Holder, with Plastic handle, L230mm
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    SL.Ned7011 Aluminum Needle Holder, L230mm 1/Ea. 6,890

    (2) All Stainless-steel Holder, with a Needle, L120mm, 스텐 니들 포함

    (2) All Stainless-steel Holder, with a Needle, L120mm, 스텐 니들 포함
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    SL.Ned7013 Needle Holder, STS, L120mm 1/Ea. 10,350
  • 버튼
  • 1. With Stainless-steel Handle, 스텐 핸들형

    1. With Stainless-steel Handle, 스텐 핸들형
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    SL.Ned7015 Dissecting Needle, with STS Handle, Straight, L140mm 1/Ea. 2,920
    SL.Ned7016 Dissecting Needle, with STS Handle, Bent, L140mm 1/Ea. 2,920
    SL.Ned7017 Dissecting Needle, with STS Handle, Lancet, L140mm 1/Ea. 2,920

    2. With Plastic Handle, 플라스틱 핸들형

    2. With Plastic Handle, 플라스틱 핸들형
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    SL.Ned7018 Dissecting Needle, with Plastic Handle, STS, Straight, L140mm 1/Ea. 1,470
    SL.Ned7019 Dissecting Needle, with Plastic Handle, STS, Bent, L140mm 1/Ea. 1,470
    SL.Ned7020 Dissecting Needle, with Plastic Handle, STS, Lancet, L140mm 1/Ea. 1,470
  • 버튼
  • (1) Aluminum Holder, with Plastic handle, L230mm

    (1) Aluminum Holder, with Plastic handle, L230mm
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    SL.Ned7011 Aluminum Needle Holder, L230mm 1/Ea. 6,890

    (2) All Stainless-steel Holder, with a Needle, L120mm, 스텐 니들 포함

    (2) All Stainless-steel Holder, with a Needle, L120mm, 스텐 니들 포함
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    SL.Ned7013 Needle Holder, STS, L120mm 1/Ea. 10,350
  • 버튼
  • 1. All Stainless-steel, 올스텐형

    1. All Stainless-steel, 올스텐형
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    SL.Ned7015 Dissecting Needle, with STS Handle, Straight, L140mm 1/Ea. 2,920
    SL.Ned7016 Dissecting Needle, with STS Handle, Bent, L140mm 1/Ea. 2,920
    SL.Ned7017 Dissecting Needle, with STS Handle, Lancet, L140mm 1/Ea. 2,920

    2. Plastic Handled Stainless-steel, 플라스틱 핸들형

    2. Plastic Handled Stainless-steel, 플라스틱 핸들형
    Cat. No. 품명 단위 소비자가
    SL.Ned7018 Dissecting Needle, with Plastic Handle, STS, Straight, L140mm 1/Ea. 1,470
    SL.Ned7019 Dissecting Needle, with Plastic Handle, STS, Bent, L140mm 1/Ea. 1,470
    SL.Ned7020 Dissecting Needle, with Plastic Handle, STS, Lancet, L140mm 1/Ea. 1,470
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